This page introduces the ISBD Element Sets and Value Vocabularies.
ISBD Element Sets
ISBD Elements
The ISBD element set is a registration of classes and properties from International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD), consolidated edition, published by De Gruyter Saur in July 2011 (ISBN 978-3-11-026379-4). -
ISBD Elements (unconstrained)
The ISBD element set is a registration of classes and properties from International Standard Bibliographic Description (ISBD), consolidated edition, published by De Gruyter Saur in July 2011 (ISBN 978-3-11-026379-4). This version has the same local URI part, label, and definition as each element in the constrained version, but no domain (i.e. Resource) or range is declared.
ISBD Value Vocabularies
The ISBD element set vocabulary includes RDF classes and properties corresponding to ISBD elements. Six concept vocabularies give the controlled terminologies of the ISBD area 0 content forms, qualifications, and media types. Each class, concept, and property has a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for use in Semantic Web data triples.
ISBD Content Form
Content form categories reflect the fundamental form or forms in which the content of a resource is expressed. -
ISBD Content Form Qualified Base
Compound terms for qualified ISBD content forms that map to RDA/ONIX Framework for Resource Categorization base content categories. -
ISBD Content Qualification of Dimensionality
Content qualification sub-categories for the number of spatial dimensions in which the image content of a resource is intended to be perceived which expand the content form category of image. -
ISBD Content Qualification of Motion
Content qualification sub-categories for the perceived presence or absence of movement in the image content of a resource which expand the content form category of image. -
ISBD Content Qualification of Sensory Specification
Content qualification sub-categories for sensory specification, a human sense through which the content of a resource as published is intended to be perceived, which expand content form categories. -
ISBD Content Qualification of Type
Content qualification sub-categories for type which expand content form categories. -
ISBD Media Type
Media type categories record the type or types of carrier used to convey the content of the resource. Categories generally reflect the format of the storage medium and housing of a carrier in combination with the type of intermediation device required to render, view, run, etc., the content of a resource.