

ISBD for Manifestation encourages the use of controlled terminology for a value of an attribute or relationship element:

  • ISBDM prescribes the use of a controlled term as a value of a specified attribute element.
  • ISBDM suggests a string encoding scheme (SES) to construct a value of a relationship element or a specified attribute element.

A value vocabulary contains a set of controlled terms that are used as values for a specific ISBDM attribute element.

A value vocabulary is also known as a vocabulary encoding scheme (VES).

Prescribed vocabularies for specific elements are listed in the top part of the section menu.

A string encoding scheme specifies the elements fixed text, and punctuation that are used to construct an access point or structured string as the value of an element.

General guidance on string encoding schemes is included with the appropriate elements.

Suggested schemes for specific elements are listed in the bottom part of the section menu.

See ISBDM string encoding schemes for further information.